The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is presenting the #GuggenheimBilbaoInsights project, the new series of videos led by the Museum’s curatorial department, where the curators talk with artists whose works are part of the Museum’s Collection.
This new digital initiative will be carried out between November 2020 and June 2021. Every month, the Museum will post a new instalment, always with the goal of sharing the artistic contents with the widest audience possible. The videos will be posted on the Museum website and shared via its social media: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Each piece will last around 20 minutes and will include images and audiovisual resources to illustrate the conversations in order to make them entertaining yet educational.
The encounters between the curators and artists will take place in the Museum, in the artist’s studio, or in both at the same time, depending on the location and possibilities at the time. Key issues will be discussed in these inspiring conversations to help viewers grasp each artist’s contribution to the art scene and reveal interesting facts about their career and vision. The richness of #GuggenheimBilbaoInsights will come from the diversity of topics and approaches, which will vary depending on the artist and curator, and on the complicity and interaction between the two.
To ensure this, each curator has chosen two artists with works in the Museum Collection and has developed a script for each of the encounters, which will be produced in the forthcoming months. The first video to open the series shows the conversation between Alyson Shotz and Manuel Cirauqui and was filmed simultaneously in the Museum and the artist’s studio in New York. Alyson Shotz (Arizona, USA, 1964) participated in the exhibition Art and Space curated at the Museum by Manuel Cirauqui in 2017, after which the Museum acquired her work Object for Reflection (2017). During their conversation, they will discuss issues related to the artist’s career, key concepts to understand her work (e.g., light and gravity), her outdoor installations, and her recent solo show.
The schedule of the first upcoming videos is:
- November 2020: Alyson Shotz and Manuel Cirauqui
- December 2020: José Manuel Ballester and Petra Joos
- January 2021: Ernesto Neto and Geaninne Gutiérrez-Guimarães
- February 2021: Itziar Okariz and Lucía Agirre
Six perspectives
The curatorial team at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is made up of five art curators and a curatorial assistant, each of whom will bring their unique vision and career to the project. Below we introduce the team members, as well as some of the most recent exhibitions they have curated at the Museum:
- Lucía Agirre: A Museum curator since 2000, she has been responsible for exhibitions such as the ones showcasing Olafur Eliasson (2020), Thomas Struth (2019), Marc Chagall (2018), and Bill Viola (2017).
- Manuel Cirauqui: A Museum curator since 2016, he joined us from the Dia Art Foundation and has c the exhibitions on William Kentridge (2020), Jesús Rafael Soto (2019), Henri Michaux (2018), and Art and Space (2017).
- Geaninne Gutiérrez-Guimaraes: A Guggenheim Museum Bilbao curator based at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York since 2015, where she also coordinates the Basque Artist Program. She has curated the exhibition devoted to Lygia Clark (2020).
- Lekha Hileman Waitoller: She joined the Museum as a curator in October 2019 from the Art Institute of Chicago. She is currently preparing two shows for 2021.
- Petra Joos: A Museum curator since 2000, she has curated exhibitions including the ones featuring Jenny Holzer (2019), Alberto Giacometti (2018), Georg Baselitz (2017), and Louise Bourgeois (2016).
- Marta Blavia: A curatorial assistant since 2006, she has worked on the exhibitions dedicated to Kandinsky (2020) and Richard Artschwager (2019), among others, as well as on the Film & Video program. #GuggenheimBilbaoInsights
A conversation with Alyson Shotz
This inspiring conversation between American artist Alyson Shotz and the curator Manuel Cirauqui will acquaint you with her powerful work, where gravity and light play a fundamental role.
Guggenheim Bilbao Museoak bideo-sorta berria aurkeztu du: arte-arduradunak eta artistak arteaz hizketan
Guggenheim Bilbao Museoak #GuggenheimBilbaoInsights ekimena aurkeztu du gaur: bideo sorta berria, Museoaren Arte-ardura Sailaren gidaritzapean egina. Bideo horietan, arte-arduradunak Museoaren Bilduman obraren bat daukaten zenbait artistarekin solasean arituko dira.
Ekimen digital berri hau 2020ko azarotik 2021eko ekainera bitartean garatuko da (biak barne). Hilero, Museoak bideo bat argitaratuko du eduki artistikoa ahalik eta ikus-entzule gehienengana zabaltzeko asmoz. Pieza horiek Museoaren webgunean argitaratuko dira, eta sare sozialen bidez ere partekatuko dira: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook eta Twitter. Bideo bakoitzak 20 bat minutuko iraupena izango du, eta elkarrizketaren argigarri izango diren irudiak eta ikus-entzunezko baliabideak ere erakutsiko ditu, atsegina eta didaktikoa izan dadin.
Arte-arduraduna eta artista Museoan edo artistaren estudioan elkartuko dira, edo bi tokietan batera, kokapenaren eta une bakoitzeko aukeren arabera. Elkarrizketa iradokitzaile horien bidez, artista bakoitzak gaur egungo arteari egin dion ekarpena ulertzeko funtsezko elementuak aztertuko dira, eta haren ibilbideari eta ikuskerari buruzko alderdi interesgarriak ezagutaraziko dira. #GuggenheimBilbaoInsights proiektuaren aberastasuna landutako gaien eta ikuspegien aniztasunean egongo da, aldatu egingo baitira artistaren eta arte-arduradunaren arabera, baita haien arteko konplizitatearen eta interakzioaren arabera ere.
Proiektu honetarako, Museoaren Bilduman obraren bat daukaten bina artista hautatu eta datozen hilabeteetan haiekin izango dituzten topaketen gidoiak prestatu ditu arte-arduradun bakoitzak. Sortako lehenengo bideoan, Alyson Shotz-en eta Manuel Cirauquiren arteko elkarrizketa dugu ikusgai, Museoan eta artistaren New Yorkeko estudioan aldi berean grabatua. 2017an Manuel Cirauquik Museoan antolatu zuen Artea eta espazioa erakusketan parte hartu zuen Alyson Shotzek (Arizona, AEB, 1964), eta, haren harira, Museoak artistaren Gogoeta-objektua (Object for Reflection, 2017) eskuratu zuen. Elkarrizketan, hainbat gairi buruz hitz egin dute biek; besteak beste, artistaren ibilbideaz, haren lana ulertzeko elementu garrantzitsuez (argiaz eta grabitateaz, esaterako), naturan egin dituen instalazioez eta duela gutxi izan duen banakako erakusketaz.
Hona hemen lehenengo bideoen programazioa:
- 2020ko azaroa: Alyson Shotz eta Manuel Cirauqui
- 2020ko abendua: José Manuel Ballester eta Petra Joos
- 2021eko urtarrila: Ernesto Neto eta Geaninne Gutiérrez-Guimarães
- 2021eko otsaila: Itziar Okariz eta Lucía Agirre
Sei ikuspegi
Guggenheim Bilbao Museoko arte-arduradunen taldea bost komisario artistikok eta laguntzaile batek osatzen dute, eta haietako bakoitzak bere ikuspegia eta ibilbidea eskainiko dizkio proiektuari. Hona hemen taldekideak eta Museoan beren ardurapean izan dituzten azken erakusketetako batzuk:
– Lucía Agirre: 2000tik da Museoko arte-arduraduna, eta honako erakusketez arduratu da, besteak beste: Olafur Eliasson (2020), Thomas Struth (2019), Marc Chagall (2018) eta Bill Viola (2017).
– Manuel Cirauqui: 2016tik da Museoko arte-arduraduna, Dia Art Foundation-etik etorri ondoren. Honako erakusketen komisarioa izan da, besteak beste: William Kentridge (2020), Jesús Rafael Soto (2019), Henri Michaux (2018) eta Artea eta espazioa (2017).
– Geaninne Gutiérrez-Guimaraes: 2015etik da Guggenheim Bilbao Museoko arte-arduraduna, baina New Yorkeko Solomon R. Guggenheim Museoan du egoitza, eta Basque Artist Program koordinatzen du bertan. Lygia Clark-i (2020) buruzko erakusketaren komisarioa izan da.
– Lekha Hileman Waitoller: 2019ko urrian hasi zen Museoan lanean arte-arduradun gisa, Chicagoko Art Institute-tik etorri ondoren. Egun, 2021erako bi erakusketa prestatzen ari da.
– Petra Joos: 2000tik da Museoko arte-arduraduna, eta honako erakusketen komisarioa izan da, besteak beste: Jenny Holzer (2019), Alberto Giacometti (2018), Georg Baselitz (2017) eta Louise Bourgeois (2016).
– Marta Blavia: 2006tik da arte-arduradun laguntzailea. Besteak beste, Kandinsky (2020) eta Richard Artschwager (2019) artistei eskainitako erakusketetan aritu da laguntzaile, baita Film & Video programan ere.
Release: Marketing and Communications Department, Guggenheim Museum Bilbao